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Our Story 關於我們

  • 曬燈工房於年2004成立於在銅鑼灣開設第一間總店, 提供一站式的太陽燈服務。曬燈工房自2013年11月在旺角開了第二間分店。2021年7月剛開了第三間分店位於中環。


  • 除了擁有全港最完善的曬燈設備,曬燈工房引進全港獨家代理由德國Dr. Muller 研發 - 全身嫩膚紅光膠原激活療程機(納米紅光波長達633nm),直達皮膚真皮層能激發骨膠原再生,使用後皮膚光滑能夠有效減少細紋和皺紋,毛孔收細,增加血液循環,改善全身皮膚活力,嫩膚美肌提供更完善的全身護理。


  • 港島銅鑼灣區總店或九龍旺角區以及中環的全新分店除可帶來方便給我們的曬燈客戶外, 我們資深顧問的專業服務和態度絕對可令客戶得到滿意的招待。


  • 曬燈工房亦曾連續三年贊助亞洲先生所有參賽者曬燈療程,有效地增強他們的肌肉線條和輪廓,達至最佳效果。


  • 只需數分鐘,便能曬出一身令人艷羨的古銅膚色!快來體驗一下曬燈的感覺吧!


  • Tanning Studio Hong Kong was established in Causeway Bay Hong Kong in the year of 2004. Mongkok branch was  opened in Nov 2013 and the newest branch in Central was just opened in July 2021.  with the state of the art tanning & collagenic equipment, we have a total of 11 Tanning Fleets all imported from Germany with UV lamps being changed on regularly for maximum tanning results.


  • Introduction to the first-ever full body collagenic machine in Hong Kong, this red light therapy is using red light energy (non-UV) wavelengths in the 600–700 nm range to activate the body’s own photo rejuvenation process to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, firm the skin and improve the body’s overall appearance. With no damaging effects but only positive results, it’s no surprise that red light therapy is a great new way to improve your appearance and health.


  • With a total of 3 branches now in Hong Kong, Tanning Studio Hong Kong aims to provide you not just convenience but also the best tanning services to all of our customers.


  • Tanning Studio Hong Kong was proud to be the Mr. Asia sponsors for a consecutive of 3 years. We have also been the most preferred tanning salon among artists, dancers & body builders and PT trainers all the time. 


  • Indoor Tanning is a quick, affordable and easy process to get tanned. Come in today for the ultimate tanning experience!

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